Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Prikus is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Server Security Hardening

Server hardening is a necessary process since hackers can gain access through unsecured ports. Hence, to limit the entry points, we block the unused ports and protocols as well as disable the services which are not required. All of this process reduces the attack surface area and eliminates a large number of tactics an attacker could utilize.

Another benefit talks about streamlining done by the server hardware which can help to prevent crashes due to overloads or overconsumption of resources. Although new systems are much more powerful, doing too much on the device could lead to its failure as well.


Prikus believes server hardening is the most important task to be performed on a server, considering the risk it carries along and therefore, we consider this as our responsibility to remove these vulnerabilities and provide you with a secure and risk-free server.

Our security team will examine your server for any flaws and security holes and give it proper security treatment as per requirement. We will also take additional measures to help tighten the security of your server. We ensure that your server is locked down and ready to run, securely, from day one.



Prikus website security solutions focus on the overall structure of your information and data management system. Client reports follow the same phillosophy and approch to prioritize useful deliverables in all client reports, including:

  • Executive Summary
  • Scope of the Work
  • Approach and Methodology
  • OWASP Top 10 Summary
  • Summary of Key Findings/ Identification of Vulnerability
  • Graphical Representation of Vulnerabilities
  • Summary of Recommendations
  • Application Detailed Findings
  • General Comments and Security Advice
  • Conclusion


Benefits of an Application penetration testing performed by Prikus include:

Identifying the vulnerability in the application. Prioritize high risk vulnerability and provide strategically plan to fix the vulnerability.
Identifying every details to abuse or find attack surfaces in the application. Insight of the application can be used to find ciritcal vulnerabilities.
After performing patch verification, show customers, stakeholders your commitment towards security, and protecting important assets.